# the architecture of computer programming - an [[essay]]. - by [[claire l. evans]] == [[claire evans]] - recommended by [[olofl]]. - [[go]] https://thereboot.com/the-architecture-of-computer-programming/ - [[murs a pĂȘches]] - [[push]] [[christopher alexander]] - [[the quality without a name]] - "each [[pattern]] describes a [[problem]] which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the [[solution]] to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice." - [[living structure]] - [[decentralized web summit]] - "Attendance seemed to be split between [[early Web pioneers]] and [[graduate students]]. The former had retained their [[idealism]], or reclaimed it. The latter hoped to solve for whatever mistakes their forebears made. I felt the intervening generation’s absence like a crater." - [[are.na]] == [[arena]]